
BAAC. Buenos Aires Art Coworking is a multicultural space with special orientation to the visual arts, developed in the three- storied building, located in Castillo Street 481/3/5, between Av. Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz and Malabia, Villa Crespo, CABA, Argentina Republic.
In BAAC all expressions of art and culture take place, trying to create a nexus between the generators of art and ideas with a public eager to interact socially and rejoice with the works and cultural proposals offered.
To achieve its objectives, BAAC gestured a building structure destined to contain an innovative exhibition functionality, where the viewer will go from being a passive viewer to active and interact with the artists and engage physically and emotionally with the works, activities and spaces, counting on careful curatorial criteria and the support of new technologies.

Spaces of Coworking

In coworking spaces, visitors can have personal contact with artists, see their works in progress and even negotiate the acquisition of works directly with them. For this reason, those visual artists who join the project BAAC, in addition to have a new exhibition platform where they can manage their artistic production in a concentrated way by exhibiting in our gallery, can also choose to rent their own coworking space, which works as an independent point of sale, where BAAC does not charge commissions and provides services, such as Contingents provided by receptive tourism agencies, guided visits arranged with public and private institutions, Institutional promotion on our website, on social networks and in the press and dissemination, curatorial advice, planning of individual projects or in conjunction with other artists, individual or group exhibitions, residencies and exchanges , planning of study trips and trips to national and international fairs, management of books and video- artist books, management of contacts with buyers and collectors.

In addition, BAAC provides with tools and resources, such as: work table, professional lectern and stool, exclusive sinks for washing materials, a backroom with temperature and humidity control, deposit of works in process and the possibility of using our installations to teach courses and workshops.

We also have two classrooms designed to offer all kinds of courses related to art and culture, as well as the offices for our curatorial team, graphic designers, administrative and executive staff.

Universe BAAC

In BAAC, visitors can contemplate and purchase works of art in our exhibition spaces on the ground floor (rotating samples) and on the first floor (stable collection) with curatorial advice, interfere the works gesturally in front of an interactive digital video wall, assist technological events, such as 3D holographic projection, immersive digital art, virtual reality or augmented reality, daily " Happy Hour" in the Art - Bar with live musical shows, exhibitions, talks, conferences, art gatherings, avant-garde fashion shows, share thematic dinners with art and cultural personalities, taste drinks, gourmet delicatessen or chocolate art made with a food printer, as well as access a space with books, photographs, video art, signature jewelry, exclusive accessories and fashion and objects of design.

In BAAC the events to be developed will be included in an agenda of programmed activities, will be made known through multiple communication channels and include from individual or collective art exhibitions, artistic events and even the launch of brands or products associating them with art and to the new imaging technologies.


Access to BAAC is free and free of charge, except of special activities. Optionally, visitors can subscribe to the club BAAC and obtain discounts on activities we were named and if they wish, join BAAC APPROACH, on order to belong to a community of social interaction, where they can connect and share free moments in an art and culture environment.

The times we live in require new ways of approaching culture, as in its forms as in its contents and the interactive experience proposed by BAAC is one of them, since the visitor will leave motivated by the experiences lived, having generated a connection as intellectual as well as emotional with artists and their works.

Vision, Mission and Values

Creating a space for art and culture in Argentina is a challenge with more risks than certainties. However, the concept of risk can be seen from opposing perspectives and leads to paralyzing behaviors or mobilizing behaviors. In BAAC we choose the last one.

Entering to compete in a complex universe of art and culture, full of difficulties, envisions that everything is yet to be realized. And the fact that it is in Argentina adds motivating spices to which we are willing to face without fear.

The first risk is to confront the legitimacy as the space, the cultural activities, the selected works as the exhibition modality. In this sense we trust the honest criteria of our proposal, the careful selection of artists and the fidelity to our ethical principles that will undoubtedly, over time, give the institution the consideration it deserves.

Besides, we clearly assume the risk of breaking structures and paradigms according to our way of interpreting the ways of exposing contemporary art.
We understand that experimentation, vital in artists, must also be extended to spaces and not only in its architecture, but also in its functions and although the results of experimentation may be uncertain, clear up uncertainties is the path we choose to try to grow in a sustained way.
In other words, it is an extra challenge, since the difficulties inherent to entrepreneurship are added to the legal, economic, political and cultural conflicts in which we are immersed, which will surely provide us with flatterers and detractors, beyond our positions or the quality of the forms and contents we expose.

Another risk is to incorporate new digital technologies or neurosensory effects and combine them with curatorially accepted and established criteria.
In this sense, we believe that technological or neuroscience advances may contribute improvements to the functional dynamics of the space as well as generate the focus of attention in the way of approaching art, without compromising the contemplative or perceptual capacities of the viewer and, on contrary, provide innovative and motivating experiences to facilitate the process of analysis and criticism of the works.

BAAC, Buenos Aires Art Coworking, is a multifunctional cultural space, with a special dedication to the visual arts, whose objectives include to promote the artists in their growth, sell their works, propose new ways of approaching art, offer training and meeting spaces around culture and generate mobilizing inspiring and transformative experiences.

And, above all, it is our intention that BAAC will be an ethical, equitable space, without discrimination, without racism, without cracks, that respects the diversity of minorities and those who think differently, that oppose any type of violence that comes from wherever it comes from, and convinced that our humble social role consists in offering a stage where art and cultural expressions can be manifested with absolute freedom.

Curator Dr. Cesar Eisner


The contributions of the companies will allow us to develop our programs of exhibitions of eminent national artists, both in national and international fairs and to implement technological innovations applied to all areas of art and culture.
In addition, the companies that participate in the support program will have a series of different benefits that include presence on our website and with posters in our facilities, invitations to special events, as well as discounts in the store and art-bar.
By sponsoring our art and culture programs, companies will benefit a strong presence in all our communicative activities and their visibility will be linked to our innovation and creativity actions and the growing prestige of our institution.
For more information, contact our General Management.