What's CriptoBAAC?
CriptoBAAC is a CRYPTO gallery of digital art with the ability to interact in the blockchain, where a new, immense and promising art market is developing.
The blockchain (chain of blocks) is a decentralized, hyper- secure and anonymous network, where the certificates of authenticity and ownership of the original or digitized works of art, called NFT( non- fungible tokens) can be registered, quoted, bought, sold or auctioned in the DAPPs( decentralized galleries of the blockchain), make smart contacts and use Crypto currencies ETH ( Ether)or USDC (U$D coin) that can be stored in the Wallets (digital Wallets)or be converted into legal tender currencies.
CriptoBAAC is installed in the daap Open Sea.
CriptoBAAC is installed in the daap Open Sea.
CriptoBAAC Offers the Following Services:
- Incorporation to the blockchain Ethereum
- Digitalization of original works of art
- Incorporation of the works of art to CriptoBAAC, installed in the DAAP Open Sea
- Management of certificates of ownership NFT (non- fungible tokens) of native digital works of art and physical original digitalized (Tokenization)
- Sale and auction of original digital works in ETH (Crypto currency Ether) or USDC (u$d coin, Crypto coin, linked to the dollar) and management of currency withdrawal.
- Face - to Face displays of digital or digitized works of art on high- resolution monitors in BAAC, Buenos Aires Art Coworking (according to post opening calendar)
- Promotion and dissemination of the visual artists
- Curatorship of digital art
- We accept Crypto currency as a form of payment
Do You Want to Join CryptoBAAC?
If you're an artist and want to join CriptoBAAC, get in touch with our curatorial team
Requirements to Enter Works to CriptoBAAC
- Send personal data, CV, Bio, statement and complete technical sheet of the works
- Accepted formats: JPG, PNG, Gif, MP3, MP4, PDF
- Max Weight: 40 MB
- Stipulate the NFT price in ETH or dollars
- Select fixed price for sale or base price for auction
- Send the material:
- Pay costs and commission (check promotions without cost).
- Send in JPG the certificate of authenticity and identity card of the author